Home Birth or Birth Center?
Home Birth
~ There’s no place like home ~ Home is where the heart is ~
Home \hom\ n. A dwelling place together with the family; an environment offering security and happiness
The midwives at Fruitful Vine have been attending births in the comfort of the mother’s home since 1998. Home birth is one of our favorite atmospheres for birth. It’s a secure, happy, and comfortable place for the mother. The best part: you don’t have to leave your home. The midwives come to your home, bringing all the supplies to keep your birth safe.
The beauty of home birth is especially experienced when the children wake up to the birth of their new sibling.
Birth Center
On September 13, 2005, Fruitful Vine opened the first freestanding birth center in Jacksonville since 1984. For more than a decade, we have helped hundreds of families welcome their babies in a home-like, relaxing environment.
Each room offers a quiet, intimate and private place for you and the people you choose to witness the miracle and gift of birth.
Birth tubs are available for use in labor and delivery, if desired.
Each room has a comfortable seating area. For those who have friends and family who plan on being there but not in the birth room, they will be able to wait in the comfort of our Family Room.
Fruitful Vine has two rooms available for delivery. Each has a different theme but the same relaxing environment.
photography by lori lee photography
Water Birth
Water birth is more than just delivering your baby in a warm tub of water. It is used by many women for labor eliminating the need for pharmaceutical pain management.
According to a study published in 2014, "results suggest that waterbirth is associated with high levels of maternal satisfaction with pain relief and the experience of childbirth, and may increase the likelihood of an intact perineum (no tearing)." Other results extracted from the data "indicate no difference in maternal or neonatal infection rates or nursery admissions after waterbirth. Neonatal mortality rates are low and similar after waterbirth and uncomplicated conventional birth."
Excerpt written by Janet a Fruitful Vine mother: "It felt so nice to get into the pool. I went on my hands and knees and felt the water swirl around my tummy. I stayed like that for a while. I heard Kim (doula) tell Sharon that she couldn't tell when I was having a contraction because I was so calm."