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Micah Grace

Choosing a homebirth was something God had to of put in my thoughts, because I really don’t know why I thought to do it! Of course I had heard of it before, but had never talked to anyone who had experienced it…. but once the thought was stuck in my head and once I had met Sharon, I knew it was the best choice and was what I was going to do for my new baby to come. 


I had a hospital birth before and it was awful. Epidural and all….I knew that I couldn’t go back to a doctor telling me that I would have to have a cesarean if I didn’t have the baby at a certain time. Thank God there wasn’t any cesarean, but I dreaded going back to a hospital…and I wanted to be home. 


My birthing experience was the most memorable time of my life. It was awesome. I kept reliving it for weeks after Micah was born. She decided to come a week early on one of her brother’s birthdays! My water broke at 10pm the night before and I called Sharon to let her know. My contractions started coming on a little stronger around 5am, and I called for Sharon. Kristin arrived first. I had never met her before, but Linda had told me that I would love her. And I did…she was lovely. Sharon showed up soon after. I spent the first part of the labor on the birthing ball, which worked great at first . It then started to feel uncomfortable to me, and that is when I decided to get in the pool. The pool was what I needed at this point! Around 11am Micah Grace was here, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. I know having Sharon as my midwife, made all the difference. She was so calm and caring, and helped me feel so relaxed. Kristin and her made the perfect team. The whole experience was perfect. My three boys would run in and out of the room as they pleased, and were able to see their sister come into the world. We were all so surprised to be greeted by a girl! 


Other members of my family were there, not sure about the whole homebirth situation , who now have a whole new perspective on it. My only regret I have is that I didn’t do a homebirth before. I am just thankful that I was able to experience it that one wonderful time …. I don’t think there is any other way that you can give birth so perfectly!

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