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In October we were blessed with another beautiful child. Her name is Rebecca Anne, born October 5, 1998 at 8:53 a.m. weighing 7lbs., 20 1/2 inches long. We were blessed to have her born at home as well. The Thursday before she was born, I definitately felt differently, but wasn't due until the 18th. I called our midwife, Sharon Schmidt, and she arrived around 11 p.m. on the 4th of October. I told her I wanted to give her a "heads up" just in case I called her at 3 a.m. Well, my water broke at 2:00 a.m. Sharon arrived at 2:57 a.m. Clay Lloyd was sleeping. It was a very special time. Everyone there had a unique purpose. Kim, our childbirth instructor, Karen, a friend, Holly, a friend and Lori, Sharon's assistant were there.


It was a very peaceful time for me. Clay made us all sausage, eggs, and biscuits at 4:30 a.m. Then, Clay and I went for a walk around the block at around 5:30 a.m. It was a beautiful night with a full moon. We got back and I continued to labor for a while. I remember looking at the clock at 7:30 a.m. and saying O.K. Lord, we have an hour and a half to have this baby (Clay Lloyd wakes up at 9:00 a.m. ~ Rebecca was born at 8:53 a.m.). It was so awesome to be home. I was free to labor any way and anywhere I felt comfortable. I was able to change positions frequently. I remember each time I had a really intense contraction hearing Sharon praying for me. It's an amazing feeling to have a midwife who does not draw on her own strength but on the strength of the Almighty. 


I don't remember what time it was but I was feeling like I needed to be away from everyone. Clay and I went and laid down on our bedroom floor. I was so sleepy. Labor is a very secluded place. I had so many people around (many who had given birth to babies themselves), but no one there could feel what I was feeling at that time. All I can remember is envisioning myself in a hallway and at the other end was Jesus. I couldn't see His face, but in my spirit, I knew it was Him. He walked with me every step of the way. He felt what I was feeling. I remember after that wondering how much longer it would be before our baby was born. Within seconds, I felt Rebecca push off my diaphragm with her feet, moving her closer to this world. I wasn't sure if that's what I felt and then she did it again! As a mom it was overwhelming to me. Here I was, a 24 year old woman about to give birth to my second child ... the adult ... the mom ... the one who takes care of everyone ... and here was this little child who had yet to take her first breath saying to me, "Let me help you Momma." Awesome ... it's the only way I can describe it. Immediately after that, I was ready to push.


Holly went to get Clay Lloyd. Three pushes and she was born right into her Daddy's hands. It's wonderful to know that when Clay Lloyd and Rebecca grow up, they will know that the first set of hands that ever held them were their Daddy's hands. Clay Lloyd had kissed my belly for nine months and now he finally could see his little sister. He just grinned. Clay was an incredible support to me throughout the entire labor and delivery. I am very thankful for him.

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