Services Provided

Labor & Delivery
Labor monitoring includes:
Checking maternal vital signs
Checking fetal position, presentation and heart rate
Assessment of cervical dilation only as necessary or when indicated

Each prenatal visit includes:
Weight check
Blood Pressure
Urine (protein, glucose, and nitrites)
Fundal Height
Palpation of position of the baby
Auscultation of fetal heart tones with both Doppler and fetascope
Routine lab work
Visits are scheduled every 4 weeks until 28 weeks of gestation, every 2 weeks from 28 weeks to 36 weeks and every week from 36 weeks, until the birth.

Newborn Care
Routine newborn care includes:
Skin to skin contact - baby to mom's chest immediately after birth
Bonding time with family - time alone for family after placenta delivers
Neonatal examination - complete physical exam within 2 hours of birth including a gestational age assessment
We offer all required newborn procedures including eye ointment, Vitamin K and Infant Metabolic Screening.
Postpartum Care
Immediate Postpartum:
For Mothers who deliver at home, the midwife stays a minimum of 2 hours after the birth. She will not leave until everyone is stable; baby is nursing; and mom has had a nourishing meal.
For Mothers who deliver at the birth center, the midwife will observe the Mother and Baby for approximately four hours. During this time, Mother has gotten up to shower, eaten, a newborn exam completed and all vitals signs are normal for both Mother and Baby.
Thorough postpartum instructions are given at both home and birth center births.
Additional Postpartum Follow-up
A visit between 24 to 48 hours to check mom's vital signs, position of uterus, lochia, condition of perineum and breasts, check of baby's vital signs, color, cord care, sleeping, eating, wet and meconium diapers and first newborn metabolic screening.
Office visit at 2 weeks for check of mom's vital signs, position of uterus, lochia, condition of perineum and breasts, and hemoglobin level, check of baby's vital signs, weight, color, cord care, sleeping, eating, and wet diapers.
Office visit at 6 to 8 weeks for check of mom's vital signs, position of uterus, lochia, condition of perineum and breasts, muscle tone, and a pap smear, if needed, check of baby's weight, sleeping and eating patterns, counseling in family relations and birth control.